Age 4-6 years


In this program, we look to inspire the principles of Tae Kwon Do that can help your children grow into confidence person.

The student will build their focus and have fun while learning it. Little Kickers also learn basic kicks, hand techniques, and blocks over the duration of the course as well as basic Korean language.

Little Kicker Program focuses primarily on the building of basic motor skills, and on key intellectual functions of the brain such as memorization, stimulation, and critical thinking.

 ♦ Build Confidence
 ♦ Basic Motor Skills
 ♦ Be Balanced
 ♦ Be Patience
 ♦ Be Gentle and Kind
 ♦ Learn to follow a direction
 ♦ Learn how to be Polite

Age 7-12 years


The kid's program is designed for children between the ages of 7 to 12 years of age. The Tae Kwon Do Kids course is designed to develop discipline, respect, confidence, and focus.

It is also designed to help kids build a strong foundation for traditional Martial Arts skills.

Through these techniques and disciplines of Tae Kwon Do, your children will learn self-discipline, mutual respect, focus, and perseverance.

These values will help and shape them into strong, law-abiding, positive adult citizens.

♦ Positive Role Models
♦ Increased Physical Conditioning
♦ Respect for Others
♦ Learn how to Defense
♦ Leadership Skills
♦ Weight Control
♦ Boost Self-Confidence

Teens & Adults


The program is for those students who are 13 and years of age or older. There is no age limit for the program. We have successfully taught and trained people of various age groups through this program. This program is also for professionals, young and old, who are interested in beginning or continuing their journey of learning Tae Kwon Do.

The Tae Kwon Do program for adults is designed not only to teach Tae Kwon Do skills but, also to improve their fitness. We incorporate cardio workouts along with our Tae Kwon Do teaching techniques to help students improve their fitness and endurance level.

The lessons learned through our Tae Kwon Do program for adults can help them become better at their work, achieve a greater work-life balance, and give them an outlet to release their stress and emotions, positive and negative, through Tae Kwon Do.

What an incredible way to end your day at a Tae Kwon Do Class !

♦ Stress Relief
♦ Learn how to defend
♦ Healthy Life Style
♦ Fit and Tone
♦ Mental Discipline
♦ Control the stressful Situation
♦ Physically get Balanced



"A family that kicks together stick together”

Here at United Champions Taekwondo Academy, we not only cater to individuals who want to learn the Martial Arts but, also to families.

Our programs are specially designed to help families learn and work together as one. “A family that kicks together stick together”. Our Tae Kwon Do program helps in developing respect and courtesy towards other members of the family. The techniques and activities that take place in our programs promote cooperation and respect among family members.

The discipline and focus that is taught through our Tae Kwon Do classes will not only help members develop their individual lives but also strengthen their family ties and develop sound health and family lifestyle.

For family members, it is a positive experience to see each other trying hard to learn Martial Arts together. Parents see their children picking themselves up after every attempt and getting better. Children see their parents attempt to learn and encourage practices that can be difficult to perform even for grown-ups. This way, both parents and children develop a high level of respect for one another through cooperation.

Special Events


Taekwondo is an enjoyable and healthy way to get in shape, build confidence, and develop a respect for yourself and others. We have been providing our students with training and life skills that enable them to go after and achieve their goals.

Our birthday parties can be a lot more exciting and action-packed than most birthday parties ever !

If you want a birthday party for your child and friends that are exciting and memorable, give us a call.

We turn average kids’ birthday party into a festival of exciting fun and games.
